Friday, August 21, 2009

A New Semester: FALL 2009

Welcome to a new semester of drawing.  There are many postings on this blog that began last winter.  There are a number of examples of projects from previous F100 Basic Drawing Students through advanced level students.  Many of the out-of-class and in-class projects you'll be exploring this semester are showcased with examples, so you may want to review some of the past entries to see how other members of the drawing community interpreted and expressed themselves with those projects. If you want to see a larger version of any of the drawings, just click on them.  Also, when you get to the bottom of each page be sure to click on "older posts". There is a syllabus for the course located on our ONCOURSE site and I will have hard copies for you to review and discuss on Tuesday during our first class session.  Enjoy the blog, the drawings, and the discussions and I'll see you Tuesday, August 25. 


  1. You are all so lucky! You get to take Brian in drawing this semester. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to peek in this semester to see what you're all up to. Have fun!

  2. You're sweet, Connie. I hope they all feel the same way at the end of their semester as you do about your experience now. I REALLY appreciate your comment. Do stop in and see what we're up to.

  3. I'm glad the blog is still going, I'll checking in occasionally.

  4. Hey crazy man! I heard you're taking THREE studio classes this semester? That's a killer schedule.

    I may be hitting you up for some advice. When I mentioned to Donna in Studio 3D that I wanted to do crab legs with drawn butter for my food she said you made a crab?

    Don't be a stranger.

  5. Talk about crazy. I think you were talking to me, but I wasn't here. I made a lobster, so I'm guessing here. I am taking three studios. It will be very difficult, but I really do need the intense work right now. My art needs to find some direction or maybe I just need to find art; in any case, there is only one way that will happen. I can always bring a sleeping bag to the print shop. Keep working in your sketchbook. It is your best friend.

  6. I'm sorry, I thought that was your screen name Shawn. :) And the sketchbook was the first thing to go in my backpack when school started. Then my little portable box of charcoals and graphite pencils etc.

    I'll have to see some of your work as you progress this semester. Will you be posting them on your blog here? I follow that.

  7. I will try. I am pretty darn busy this semester. Checking the blogs now when I should be doing some drawing and homework.
