Monday, May 24, 2010

Mid-Session Critique

On Tuesday, June 1, we will have a mid-session critique over the series in-progress. A group critique for the series will be different than ones for specified assignments. Because individual work on unique ideas and each person will be presenting his or her work to the group. It's a good idea to be prepared to talk about your ideas, how the series has progressed or changed, and what you think the next step might be. The following are some things to think about in preparation for discussion of your work.

  • Are enough time and commitment being put into the work?
Remember, at least seven hours per week should be devoted to this.
  • Is a clear direction emerging, or do you sense several different possible directions?
If several, what are they? Which one makes the most sense to you and why?
  • Does the size of the work and the media being used seem to be working with the ideas?
The scale of the works should speak volumes about your idea.
  • Are there signs of a breakthrough or are surprising new directions emerging?
Are these good surprises (possible potential for development) or bad surprises (unforeseen problems or contradictions)?
  • Is the work invigorating, that is, dos it excite you?
Do you feel fully engaged with it? Would you rather be working on your series than just about anything else? Does the work interest other people (your audience)?

1 comment:

  1. I'll answer a bit here hoping that some will keep me to task in the critique so I can make the most progress.

    My series has been progressing. Originally, this started as a timeline self portrait. In a sense, it still is that. Except it's progressed to my garden which is a big thing in my life. I surround myself with things from my past. So, other than a couple gifts most will have been in my yard or garden as I have grown.

    I'm feeling confident with my media as I tested this with the drivers licence self portrait. I need to do a bit more testing with the new water colors, but, I have comfort there. Also with pastels! They are one of my favorites. I'm a color person.

    My concerns are with where my skills lie are with the size of the series. I'm really going to push myself with this. I tend to go big! And with this, each will be smaller. And as Brian has said, if they're small they better be good! But, to achieve what I want from this I need to do this. I want a 'photo' page of sorts to emerge with the various parts of the series on it. And I want an old time feel to that page. This is actually something I'm thinking I could continue with over time. A series that extends to an additional 'series' over the years. This could easily be the "Garden of 2010".

    My objective for the critique is to have at least 2 if not more in the two sizes I'm considering finished quality. At that point with everyone's feedback I will need to make my definitive decision on which size to pursue.

    The things I'll be considering are which size I'm strongest in. Also, do I dare venture even further with various tools? Should I try oil pastels too?

    And I can answer a couple of your questions right now Brian. Heck NO I'm not putting enough time into it! I'm trying. Don't get me wrong. But, there is never enough time in a summer class for a series. Am I up for the challenge and will it be the best I can make it? Yes, it will be. Is there anything else I would rather do? No. :)
