Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hands Full of Food

Each of the drawing sections are on their way into the second out-of-class projects.  The afternoon class is exploring line, shape, texture, and space by magnifying food.  We looked at many examples of fruits, vegetables, breads, crackers, cantaloupes, artichokes, and so on.  I think by the time they got through an in-class grid exercise and working with charcoal, they're ready to find their subjects.  They'll begin the project during class tomorrow and then finish it out of class for March 4 midterm critique.

The evening class will be putting together a "Show of Hands." Each one creating an out-of-class drawing of their hands expressing something about who they are, a self-portrait of sorts. Each image will be based on close observation and contextualized to reveal an interesting facet of the individual. Their midterm critique will be on march 3.

Both groups will be utilizing their sketchbooks to generate and expand on initial ideas, looking for unique and engaging subjects.  Digital images will also play a part, I suspect, particularly with the Food project, since the subject would likely rot before the image is completed. I doubt the hands will rot, but since the "Show of Hands" pieces will involve greater depth of field, care should be given to overcome and/or compensate for photographic distortions.


  1. I had fun getting my photo ready for this project. Mind you, my family didn't think it was quite as much fun that I was chasing them down with my camera for the past two day every time they wanted to take a bite out of something. But, that's the price you pay for getting all kinds of goodies that I thought would photograph well. The one that I thought would turn out cool didn't though. We have 6 dogs and I had the bright idea to get ice cream cones. My dogs LOVE ice cream. Every time I tried to snap the picture of the cone the one dog would bump me and blow the shot. I finally settled on some bagel chips and cheese spread.

    I think since Brian said it was OK I might stop at Preston's and see if I can get some of this 'white' charcoal to try. Has anyone here used this before? If so, what are the pros and cons of this? Do you think it's best since I'm a beginner to just use black charcoal to develop technique first?

  2. white charcoal is OK, depending on how you want to use it. If you are doing a charcoal piece, you can use the white of the paper. If you are really needing strong highlights, try the white.

  3. It's a picture of bagel chips, which are almost like a cracker and a white cheese spread on the crackers. I'm thinking it might come in handy for shading the cheese?????

    I'll try to upload the picture to Photobucket at school today.

  4. White charcoal or conte will work for highlighting areas if your paper is toned or if you're using a paper that is already toned with color or value, such as some charcoal or pastel papers. However, if you're planning to use it on white paper, it may be better to use the white of the paper instead.

  5. OK, I bought some, but, I'll hold off on using it for this project.

    Now, I went to Preston's. I know! DANGEROUS! LOL And the had a few charcoals so I bought them and maybe you can show me how best to use them and . I got Jumbo charcoal, Regular Charcoal, Square charcoal drawing sticks and Compressed charcoal extra smooth. I take it I can use the regular charcoal sticks to start with this project this weekend since that's what we used in class. But, when would I use things like the square stick and the extra smooth charcoal?

  6. I'm sketched in now. Is that Stonehenge paper supposed to be as thick as a construction paper? I went to Preston's and he pulled it out of the Stonehenge drawer so I'm assuming it's the right paper. And it's much whiter than what I have in my pad from Hobby Lobby.

    I chose to do the full 24"x18" sketch with no border. And I'm also going to opt for the charcoal to challenge myself a bit because I had a bit harder time with that than the grahite so far.

    I think that white fluffy cheese is going to prove to be a challenge! LOL How is everyone else doing?

  7. I'm doing pretty good I think. I have finally decided to stick with charcoal. I think I'm going to have trouble with the back of my animal crackers though. Those little boogers are harder to draw than they look.

  8. So... I was a little overwhelmed with starting my food drawing, but after a few hours working on it, I'm relieved that I've got some of it done. I hope it turns out okay. So, what is everyone drawing? I'm drawing a kiwi.

  9. OK, I've had some glitches on the blog with my Mac. Let's see if the PC lets me do it. This is my THIRD try. :)

    I was having a hard time with the cheese on the bagel chips I'm drawing, but, I had my meeting with Brian today and he gave me some great tips on how to make it work. I was getting a bit concerned with it before.

    I'm pleased with the progess I've made thus far, but, there's lots of drawing to do by Wednesday!

    What about the rest of you?

  10. I think I have finally finished.I am sure it can use some polish but I had to walk away tonight and I will look at it again tomorrow and probably put some more time in to it. I really like this assignment and I decided to use graphite instead of charcoal, I seem to have more control with graphite and I slow myself down and look at the details more closely.

  11. It was fun seeing what everyone did today with these. I felt like I learned a lot while doing this. Particularly how to do the texture with this project. I probably could have used that week we lost with the snow storm with it to master it a bit better before our review because with my subject it simply takes a lot more time than I had, but, I think I was on the right track. And other than one area mentioned in class I felt I knew what needed to be done I just didn't have the time to get it as detailed as I would have liked. :(

    Over all it was a lot of fun though and I found that I really do like charcoal. I think it's quite a forgiving art form. And being this new I could use a little forgiveness here and there. :)

    I think we all did a really great job. Scarlet, I just wanted to really mention that I was really impressed with all you got done after your little incident at home. You will laugh about it one day.

  12. Good to hear that you all are appreciating this project; you'll like the next one even more (snicker). I'm getting close to getting things finished up for the midterm evaluations, and now I see ( and read) that I have to make a few changes to the 'blogging" grades. Good job.
