Friday, August 28, 2009


For those of you who might need a refresher while working on your drawings, try THIS. It's a pretty good explanation in a pinch. And try some youtube videos, there are a couple that are fun to watch as the drawings develop, just search for "linear perspective". And actually, this site is pretty good as well.


Wanted to add to this that Professor Debra Clem has a powerpoint on her class blog about perspective.  If you click HERE and then on the left side of the page click on Perspective under PowerPoints (for class), you can go through all of the images and read the text.  It covers the stuff we discussed about the flatness of art before the Renaissance.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a fun resource. I am a closet comic book nerd (yes, I admit it), which will help explain how I actually know about this website.
