Saturday, November 21, 2009

Drawing toward the final project...

Tana Tidd

Richelle Greenblat

Jessica Hagedorn

Gilbert Garcilazo

First, I didn't get the chance to get examples shot of the alternative self portaits, so I'm including a few here that were submitted a little later that I still had in my office.

The final project has been assigned so everyone is on their way to getting fully absorbed in the details of that. Options include a "worms-eye" or a "bird's-eye" view of a still life, no horizon line or back edge; an additive and reductive drawing of a still life with interesting and engaging forms; a self-portrait with a mask, and finally an open-ended option that was to be presented as a proposal with to-scale sketches. I had one of those, but the plan has since changed back to one of the other options. So we'll essentially be looking at a group of drawings based on option #1, #2, or #3. I'm sure there may be variations on those, but as long as the gist of those ideas is there, then the only surprises will be in the strength of the executions of the images. I anticipate a group of drawings that will clearly exhibit strong developments in the skills and comprehension of composition, effective use of the art elements, critical thinking skills to resolve the creative problems that manifest during the execution, ideas that are well considered and unique, and well crafted final projects.

We won't be meeting until after the Thanksgiving break on December 1, so I am hopeful that everyone will utilize whatever time they can grab over the holiday to explore this final project. Have a great Thanksgiving!

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