Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Final Projects

The group critique started with groups of four critiquing four other drawings from another group. We had tried this process before, but this time all the kinks got worked out before hand and the discussion process was very productive and constructive.

After the group critique, Kirsten, Craig, and Lori kept going after everyone else had left the studio.

Tana Tidd's horse gear.

Sam Chumley's self portrait with mask.

Lacy Crouthamel's self portrait with mask.

Jessica Hagedorn's autobiographical still life.

Craig Banks' worm's eye view still life.

We got the things wrapped up on December 8 with our best critique of the semester. Unlike previous sessions, this one was engaging until the very end, and then there were a few who stayed longer to continue discussing the drawings. It was pretty amazing to see how much growth there had been in every one's work, and for many this was a first time experience with drawing.

Once I started to review the portfolios that growth became even more evident, and there seemed to be a direct correlation between the development of drawing skills and activity in the sketchbooks. To those who used their sketchbooks to increase observation and manual skills, I hope you too can see the improvements.

Good job everyone and hope to see you next semester.

1 comment:

  1. This class was an awesome experience. Sam's picture here doesn't do it complete justice, seeing it in person can only do that, as with all the works. Sam's though just shines too much in direct light. Everybody's work was soo great! Thanks for a great class, hope to see you all again soon.
