Thursday, February 18, 2010

Food Magnification

The next out-of-class project was assigned on Tuesday and there are fourteen days until we have our midterm critique over the finished pieces. This project is one of the more challenging because it requires a lot of looking, a lot of seeing, and a lot of drawing. But the final piece is almost always extremely rewarding. Not only does it strengthen our powers of observation, but our drawing skills get sharper at the same time. It requires commitment to being the best you can be at a process that is still new to many of you, but rewards will be huge.

Some tips we discussed the other evening include: make sure your grids are composed of verticals and horizontals, and that they are 1" on the photo and 3" on the paper; draw your grids lightly on your drawing paper so the system doesn't interfere with your finished piece; chamois and blending stumps can be used but do not rely on them entirely, use your mark-making to create an active and engaging surface; study and duplicate the values you see, maybe even check it with your value scale; budget your time well during the next two weeks for the project since it constitutes home work.

Individual critiques of the drawing in progress will be conducted on Thursday, February 25. I will have a sign-up schedule in class tonight. See you then


  1. I'm really excited for this project! I think my Frosted Mini Wheats will be amazing!

  2. It will be amazing, there's so much interesting texture to it, so many ways to draw it. Have fun!

  3. Whew! I think I am finally finished drawing
    strawberry seeds! I was going a little insane
    but I think it was worth it.

  4. It was a lot of strawberry seeds, can't wait to see the finished piece.
