Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, both the day and the evening drawing classes took a big hit this week with three days of cancelled classes. But both are also on their way to the realization of the first out-of-class projects.

The day class (F100) is exploring the spatial potentials of linear perspective and will have that project ready for viewing and discussion on February 4.  The syllabus due date is February 2, but that's been extended to the 4th. Clearly, I will be more lenient with the criteria of composition since we've not have enough exposure to that.

The evening classes (S200, S301, S401) are exploring the concept of "Bridge", providing passages over obstacles (see your Oncourse message).  The syllabus due date on that project is February 10, but that's now been extended to the 12th.

I hope that everyone is weathering the weather and that you get the chance to see past the headaches to the beauty of the jewel coated world we're currently experiencing.  Keep warm and see you next week.


  1. We just got our heat and lights back about 20 minutes ago Brian. Now maybe I can fuss a bit over my school work tomorrow. :0) By the way, I love the picture with this thread. It's beautiful.

  2. I just got my power back today and I have a picutre of a willow tree in the front lawn that looks like an igloo.

  3. We just got our power back last night and I'm ready to focus on my drawing again. I actually snapped a few photos of the ice storm myself and played around in photoshop a little today.

  4. I'm glad to hear that some of you have your power restored. We were lucky this go around, unlike the Ike wind storm when we were out for seven days. But even still, that was a lot easier to endure than it must have been these past few days with freezing temps. I've been shooting a lot this past week, amazed at the both the beauty and the destruction of this event. I know I'll do something with it, it's too mazing to not.

  5. That whole week was terrible for me. I was sick that Monday. By wednesday i work up in a freezing home. Staying in that hotel for 5 days straight was very crazy!! My parents, grandmother and I all crammed up, such a kodak moment. Glad I brought my Nintendo Wii to the room!

  6. The icestorm produced some beautiful pictures, despite the "problems" that it caused.
